Kamis, 23 Juli 2015


Today,23rd July i went to pak soleh's restaurant(which provide fried chicken as main menu). i went there by motorcycle, with my mom,dad,my 2-cute brother,and my cousin. we arrived there at about 10 am.

we then ordered food,
My mother, father, and younger brother, ordered grilled chicken as food and ice "sinom" as a drink(ice made from turmeric, kind of traditional drink in indonesia especially in java)

and my other cousin ordered the same food and drink with me and the family.
indeed, grilled chicken as the mainstay and the most favorite menu.

Yummy, you know why Pak soleh's grilled chicken is very popular in my area? (sidoarjo,surabaya,east java,indonesia) because of the delicacy of grilled chicken was very tender and its spicy-sweet soy sauce seasoning.


sorry, can not take photos of the main meal..

That is my dad and his son (my youngest brother, he is 9th month years old)

Nearly gone...


Here they are, the angel was enjoying her meal

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