Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

Aapalah ini?

Terkadang,Hidup tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan...tahu kenapa??
Karena kita berencana
Karena tuhan juga berencana.
Tapi kita ini makhluk lemah.
Tapi tuhan punya kuasa.
Tuhan maha berkehendak.
Tahu kenapa hidup ini sepertinya membingungkan?
Karena kita terlalu banyak berfikir.
Kita terlalu banyak memproduksi pikiran negatif.
Apa lagi yang membuat hidup terasa membingungkan?
Tentang hidup itu sendiri? Tentang eksistensi tuhan? Tentang diri kita? atau apa??

Dan.. Kenapa juga kita takut akan kehidupan?
Kalau kata orang.. "Hidup tak usah terlalu dipikirkan, just let it flow the way it does"
Baiklah kalau begitu...
Aku bersyukur telah,dan masih sampai saat ini diberikan "kehidupan" dengan segala prosesnya.
At least, tuhan masih memberikan kita hati,akal pikiran,dan darah segar yang mengalir ditubuh ini adalah yang baik-baik.
Agar kita bisa mengucapkan...

"Tuhan,terima kasih atas segalanya..."
"Terima kasih atas kemarin,hari ini,esok,dan selamanya".....................

Kamis, 18 Juni 2015



Terkadang,hidup ini tiada pasti...
Yang lalu senang,yang sekarang sedih.
Tuhan memang adil...
Memutar segalanya dan menakarnya dengan sempurna.
Banyak orang bilang,hidup sulit ditebak...
Hidup adalah misteri terbesar di jagat raya
Kita ini makhluk kecil,yang mondar-mandir dibumi Allah seenaknya...
Meminta segalanya seenaknya kepada tuhan
Tuhan tidak capek ataupun ketiadaan sumber/energi...

Hanya saja..sabarlah kita ini
Perenung yang handal,sepadan dengan penyelam yang menyelam puluhan meter dibawah permukaan laut
Penyemangat yang ulung,setara Sekelompok Cheerleader yang menyemangati peserta pada perlombaan bergengsi dunia...
Dan..Pencari yang ulung seperti manusia yang bijaksana...



Manusia tak ubahnya melakukan pencarian...
Jika manusia dapat hidayah dari tuhan,
Siapa lagi yang bisa meluluhkan ego setinggi gunung?
Pencarian manusia tiada henti...
Lepas menemukan cahaya ditengah dunia kegelapan,
Manusia lagi-lagi harus mencari lagi...
Begitulah hakikat manusia
Tiada henti mencari arti...
Putus asa ditengah jalan,tiada yang pasti...
Berdo'a kepada tuhan dan berusaha.... Tuhan akan memberi....

Proposed to: Orang-orang diluar sana yang mendapatkan hidayah dari Allah memeluk islam, Alhamdulillah,May allah always bless them forever ,Aamiin......

Rabu, 10 Juni 2015


Iseng-iseng buat cerpen yang absurd,hope everyone enjoy this cerpen so much ;)) 

Denis who was busy writing his diary , suddenly paused , after he heard the call to prayer. It’s about his daily routine to stop everything when he hear the call to prayer.
After he was praying, he went on to write a diary again and again.
Ahh, this time Denis began to lose the idea to write the book of daily. Oh umm, he remembered the incident at school today ....
"Umm, she reminds me of myself, it looks like we are both fit," Denis began to write his fantasy
"I know I probably have a lot of deficiency, and IT IS OK because NOBODY’S PERFECT!!, but wait ... I'm afraid to her friends, she seemed to be very comfortable with her friends, maybe she does not need a companion again .Maybe! "
"Ohh god, I feel guilty, I had already entered a wicked circle, O god, no, no!"
* The next day at Denis’s school *
By what Denis sees,Dania is a perfect figure. She is a true Muslim. Denis fall for her. But he tried his best to keep his feelings to Dania while, nothing .. Denis just too scared!
When anthropology teacher comes to class, the teacher was giving a group assignment, while passing out the worksheets, the teacher had formed a group. And either a disaster or a boon, Denis turns one group with Dania! Woops, what should Denis do?? Okay he's trying to act like a normal, UNTIL he heard the news very surprised him, Denis listen to his Friend’s story that Dania also like to Denis. Like a dream in daylight, Denis inwardly smiling happily, while he showed normal reaction to his friends!
"Mmm, Lord, your servant is being in love" ... Denis wrote in that afternoon.
When Denis want to go to the bookstore to look for learning materials’ book for tomorrow, suddenly Denis meet Dania and her friends. Denis could not say anything.
"Hey Denis, by chance you are here, Oh by the way please, help Dania looking to book learning, okay? We want to go briefly into the coffee shop, please take care of Dania,ok?. Dania’s friends know how to strengthen the two people who are in love
"Hey, let's find a learning materials’ book,together” Invite Dania
"Let’s go”
After getting the book is sought, the two teens decided to re-join with Dania’s friends at the coffee shop.
While at the coffee shop, Dania’s friends shouting, "How is your 'Streets romantic' ? Is that really fun??
Denis and Dania just grinned.
Arriving at the house, Denis began to open books and writing his diary:
“God , I've been very happy for today , thank you for show me your truly beautiful creation , perhaps the most beautiful woman I've ever seen ,
God , keep her well , let this moment we do not have anything to do , mate there in your hands , if we be married then I thank you profusely , if not, let Dania you arrange a meeting with the best man on this earth . .. “
In the midst of writing a book diary , Denis receives a message on his mobile phone
From 08xxxxxxxxxx:
Denis Hi , thank you for this day has accompanied me around the bookstore , it was a very pleasant thing , thank you once again !
Good night, sweet dreams,
From your Friend. Dania.
Denis wrote again in his diary book :

Mate is going nowhere!

Puisi of the day made by me...

I do not even know what will happen tomorrow in my life ..
I'm just guessing , if my life will always be beautiful ?
if I'm going to ' deal ' with the misfortune that befell my life ?
I do not know. everyone , too .
Life is a mystery , life is beautiful , life is all about being grateful that we received, both small , large .
I am thankful I was born in the midst of a family who know  the importance of gratitude in life .
I am grateful to now be in the midst of a harmonious family and always in peace .
I hope all the families around the world will feel the same , namely peace 

Written on Wednesday 10th june 2015, 6.59 pm